WEE World Elevator & Escalator Expo Shanghai | International Exhibition of the Elevator Sector
In line with China’s increasing economic growth and urbanisation, the elevator industry in the country is a booming market. In this context, the WEE World Elevator & Escalator Expo takes place in Shanghai. A total of more than 400 national and international exhibitors show elevator systems of all kinds and brands from commercial to residential or special purpose elevators. The corresponding electronic and mechanical components as well as safety devices are also presented.
On the whole the organisers welcomed on the 4 days of the fair, from 08. May to 11. May 2018, about 1300 exhibitors and 121000 visitors from 20 countries on the WEE World Elevator & Escalator Expo in Shanghai.
The WEE World Elevator & Escalator Expo takes place biennially, and therefore for the fifteenth time previsibly in July 2025 in Shanghai.
Fair location:
NECC National Exhibition and Convention Center,228 Pan Zhong Dong Lu Qingpu Qu, Shanghai, Shanghai, China
for trade fair date in Shanghai
Langfang Conference and Exhibition Co., Ltd.
No. 98 Xiangyun Road, Development Zone, Langfang
065001 Langfang, China
Display e-mail address
05. – 08. July 2023
18. – 21. August 2020
08. – 11. May 2018
- 1300 exhibitors
- 121000 visitors
Product groups: automatic elevators, automatic escalators, dumb waiters, elevator accessories, elevator driving components, elevator electrical devices, elevator safety components, goods lifts, hydraulic lifts, lifts without machine room, motor vehicle lifts, passenger lifts, …
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