CIAIE Chongqing | Chongqing International Automotive Interiors and Exteriors Exhibition
International Automotive Interiors and Exteriors Exhibition – CIAIE will be held at Chongqing International Expo Center. With around 1000 exhibitors, the exhibition is focusing on the industry value chain of automotive interiors and exteriors to promote industry growth. It is mainly about new energy automotive technology, supply chains, automatic drive and intelligent cockpit, automobile advanced manufacturing technology and intelligent equipment, lightweight materials, vehicle lamps and lighting technology, automotive bonding and sealing materials, core auto parts and other core blocks. Automobile technology is constantly upgrading and developing.
The CIAIE takes place annually, and therefore for the 17th time previsibly in September 2024 in Chongqing.
Fair location:
Chongqing International Expo Center,2 Jiang Nan Avenue, 400060 Chongqing, Chongqing, China
for trade fair date in Chongqing
INFO Conference & Exhibition Shanghai Co., Ltd.
Shenhong Industrial Park, No. 888, Huaxu Road, Qingpu District
201702 Shanghai, China
Display e-mail address
- 15. – 17. September 2023
Product groups: auto body parts, automotive interiors, automotive plastic parts, intelligent cockpit hardware, intelligent cockpit software, intelligent vehicle electronics, vehicle lighting, …
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